Essay Writing 5 (Last)

During our lives we interact with a lot of people and pass through various situations that makes us think deeply about our prejudice, the way we should act and how we perceive reality. Just like a book, we can never understand completely a story if we just look to the cover and we do not read the book. This example can be similar in the case of people. Nevertheless, sometimes we cannot avoid to create preconceived ideas of people. However, how do we know if our ideas are correct? How can we know if we are wrong or not? Do we get what we see or we should never judge a book by its cover?

In one hand, some people say "what you see is what you get", people cannot hide who they really are, even when they try their hardest. In certain cases this is truth, the personality, beliefs and  preferences are often expressed in the way people look and act. However, how can we know exactly how a person is in essence if we do not know that person? Our precoceived ideas can tell us some things that are more superficial, nevertheless they cannot look into deeper details, like their lives, problems and values.

On the other hand, other people say "never judge a book by its cover", you never know completely a person, and the way that person looks does not define how they are inside, specially when it refers to the most secret aspects of the personality, like their strongest feelings or deepest fears. Although, sometimes is not difficult to predict the behaviour of a person based on the way they act in some occasions, because people tend to repeat a conduct if it shows to be successful, pleasant or likely to work. That is why sometimes people can describe a person with amazing detail even if they do not know that person completely.

In any case, human beings are extremely complex in structure, behaviour and thought, even more when we socialize, something that happens usually in big societies. That is the reason why I personally believe that it is nearly impossible to describe a person completely, physically and psychologically, when that person is not close to us. That is why we should never judge a person based on how they look, even when we have ideas about that person that could possibly be right.

Summing up, sometimes we "get what we see" and other times we should not "judge a book by its cover", nevertheless, at the end we should take enough time to read the book before we judge it, because we never know what we are going to find. We should get to know people before judging them, because we never know what we could discover about them.


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