I'm an anthropology student in Universidad de Chile, before I entered this university I studied Literature for a couple years, I was interested in the language, the intrincate parts of its construction and how it was expressed in its history, particularly in literature books. Nevertheless, Anthropology let me investigate and get a lot of knowledge about different new topics I never thought about, like gender, philosophy, history or migration to mention a few of them, and question myself about how much help is needed to make this world a better place. That's the reason I decided to study Anthropology, and now I've been working in some exciting projects, to change society's perspective about itself and promote a new perspective especially to help sexual minorities and immigrants. For example, five months ago I realized with some teachers an investigation about the concepts and perceptions of transgender and transexual people in Santiago, people were asked about their knowledge related to trans people to analyze how prejudice is attached to chilean society and find a way to erase this preconceptions. We invited them to hear some speeches and discuss these themes in forums to discover the roots of prejudice, learn about them and teach people new things to create understanding based in knowledge.
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